Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Book Review: Daisy's Kin by Erin Hunter (Warriors Novella #19)


Back to reviewing the older Warrior Cats novellas we go. Spoilers ahead.
Daisy, a farmcat who has joined a Clan long ago, starts to feel disillusioned with her life in ThunderClan, especially with the goings-ons with the imposter. She ends up re-uniting with and helping her former mate, Floss, as his current mate dies during kitting and the kits desperately need someone to look after them. Daisy leaves the Clan for a while and even enjoys looking after Floss' litter, but soon she must make the choice whether she'll stay with him or return to ThunderClan despite the fact that the Clan is somewhat in ruin at the moment.

A simple story that's honestly just character-motivated. I like it quite a lot. I never particularly cared for Daisy, but this book where we finally got her POV definitely changed that for me. She's just a very warm and welcoming cat who's just so loving but also loved so much. Despite being and older cat, she outlived almost all of her kits, and she had quite a few. 

Her lonesomeness, boredom and lack of feeling needed is totally understandable with ThunderClan not having any kits and her only true connection in the Clan at the moment being Mousewhisker. I just felt so bad for her. Yes, she's never joined in any battles or acted particularly like the typical warrior cat, but she has been a part of ThunderClan for so many years now and was an integral part of so many cat's kithoods.

She joins the Sisters for a while and after that returns with Floss and the kits to their old farm, and its great to see her cheer up again and (somewhat) have a family with Floss again, though their relationship will never be romantic again (something Floss is okay with, thank god). But eventually, when push comes to shove, she still decides that her allegiance lies with ThunderClan first and foremost despite everything, and I think that that moment really indicates how much of a warrior she is despite not actively hunting or joining in battles. 

I don't have much else to say. The writing and pacing was solid and this book just really made me care for a character I was neutral at most towards before. I love it when a book can do that.

Rating: 4/5

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