Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Book Review: Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight Saga #4)


Let it be known that is the last time I'll ever touch a Twilight-related book again. I won't cover Midnight's Sun or any of the other adjacent works, I just wanted to experience for the first time what all my friends in high school kept going on and on about. Spoilers and extreme cringe ahead. Also, trigger warnings for grooming, pedophilia, racism and pregnancy/birth mentions.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Book Review: Polecat, Stoat and Weasel by Edo van Uchelen


Note: The title of this book has been translated into English by me for the reading comprehension of this blog's viewers as the book itself isn't available in English (yet). The original title reads Bunzing, wezel en hermelijn.

It's non-fiction time. Despite how much I love them, I really haven't ever read about mustelids before other than some quick Wikipedia browses. So naturally I had to pick up this book when I saw it.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Book Review: Quite Best Paws by Christos Yiannopoulous


Note: The title of this book and series have been translated into English by me for the reading comprehension of this blog's viewers. The original title reads Ziemlich Beste Pfoten. The book is currently not available in English (yet).

I don't read that many non-fictions that focus on particular animals, usually I just read the informative books about the species as a whole instead. But let's see how this one holds up! 

Also, the title is translated a little clunky into English since it's a wordplay in German. I went with "Quite Best Paws" as a play on "Quite Best Pals", since the German wordplay is done similarly but just works better in said language.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Book Review: The Venom Spreads by Erin Hunter (Bravelands: Curse of the Sandtongue #2)


Book two time! Let's see how Bramble, Prance and Chase are dealing with the rise of a reptile-worshiping cult in the midst of their communities. Spoilers ahead.