Sunday, November 6, 2022

Book Review: Wolves by Sally Morgan (Face to Face)


Now that I have a library card, you better believe I'm gonna check out every wolf-related book I can find there. Including children books. So let's take a look at this children's non-fiction about wolves. 

In this book, Morgan goes briefly into various aspects of wolf life and introduced children to these animals.

I would like this book, I really would. And I get it, it's published in 2009, so some things are definitely going to be dated. But by god, this book has more inaccuracies than accuracies about the species.

Putting aside the whole alpha-beta-omega theory for a moment (which, yes, they do use here and was already dated for a decade by the point of publication), there's just many incorrect facts about the species. One that really bothered me was that supposedly Ethiopian/Simian wolves are wolves, which they're not (they're more closer related to jackals, but not a part of the Canis lupus species at all). And since this book only very very bare bones touches on wolves with very little actual information, this results in a lot of the factual information just being wrong and/or dated. 

Obviously, information that is dated cannot really be held against the book as they simply did not know. But then alpha-beta-omega theory was literally debunked in 1999, a decade prior to the publishing of this book. 

The incorrectness aside, I also think that some more information would've been nice. It's a thin book for young children, so I get that you can't insert too much content, but this felt extremely lacking. I've read many other children's books on wolves before, and they weren't this sparse with their information.

What I will give the book credit for is looking very good, with a neat and playful layout that's bound to get the children's attention. It also has a lot of pretty photos and even some wolf art featured, so that's nice.

But overall the lack of correct information and little written content in general it does have is just too dated/wrong for this to get any high rating.

Rating: 1.5/5

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