Saturday, April 1, 2023

Book Review: Wolves by Axel Gomille


 Note: The title of this book has been translated into English by me for the reading comprehension of this blog's viewers as the book itself isn't available in English (yet). The original title reads Wölfe.

I bought this one as an impulse buy in Austria last winter. So let's check it out! 

In this book, nature photographer Axel Gomille tells us about wolves, such as where they live, what and how they hunt, pack structure and behavior, and of course the return of wolves to (Western) Germany.

Overall a really good non-fiction about these animals. It looks fantastic (the layout is great and keeps the reader engaged, and the photos by both Gomille and a few others are beautiful) and the information is all very good and accurate. I didn't really learn anything new here, with me having read a lot of non-fiction about the species already, but it was still a treat to read.

I don't even have that much to say here. Just a solid book on wolves and I'm kind of sad that it's not available in a lot of other languages yet. This is a good book about the species to show to both adults and younger readers alike that delves deeply enough into the subject wolves without being too text-heavy or "deep" or filled with jargon, like some wolf non-fictions I've read. Those are obviously still good as well, but they're probably not as accessible for people who are just getting into learning about wolves. So this is what I'd consider a good starting point for readers who want to know more about them, but also don't want to pick up any of the super in-depth books yet. The information here isn't surface level like some wolf non-fictions for younger readers I've read, but it's not too deep and getting into the nitty gritty, either.

I guess I could briefly bring up the fact that I found this in the adult non-fiction part of the bookstore despite this being more a kids/teens book, but honestly that has nothing to do with my judgment of the book, obviously. And like I'd said before, I'd still recommend this to adults because there's enough information here and it doesn't just barely scratch the surface. 

So, yeah, a good book, and has a nice plus of looking beautiful as well. Solid recommendation.

Rating: 4/5

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