Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Book Review: Mammals by T.S. Kemp (Oxford's Very Short Introductions series #535)



I never heard of this non-fiction book series before, but I like how short and simple their books look. Let's take a gander.

In this book, Kemp quickly runs us through the very basics of the subject of mammals. What is a mammal? What do they look like? What kind of variants are there? What do they eat? How do they move? All of these topics are covered quick and to-the-point.

The book is, like the series' title suggests, this is a very brief look at the topic, but still I'd say this is a solid book on the subject. Is it basic? Sure. Is it quick? Very. Is it super in-depth, no, but it doesn't need to be. Look at the title. A very short introduction. So yeah, I think that the book does exactly what it needs to do.

I don't think there's any topic regarding mammals I can think of that was really left untouched. Sure, nothing here is really talked about in-depth like said before, but for a general introduction to the subject it does what it needs to do. Nothing more, nothing less.

Did this book teach me anything new? Not really, considering my knowledge of the subject at hand, but it's still a good intro to the subject of mammals. So I do recommend if it if a reader is curious to learn more about the subject but doesn't know where to start. If you want further depth, of course you'll have to look elsewhere, but this was a good book on the subject.

Rating: 4/5

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