Have been meaning to read this one for quite a while, so I'm glad I finally got to it. I also plan to read the other xenofictions by this author as I already own them, just gotta find the time to actually read them. Spoilers ahead.
Have been meaning to read this one for quite a while, so I'm glad I finally got to it. I also plan to read the other xenofictions by this author as I already own them, just gotta find the time to actually read them. Spoilers ahead.
The title of this book has been translated into English by me for the
reading comprehension of this blog's viewers as the book itself isn't
available in English (yet). The original title reads Kinderen van de nacht.
Yet another Dutch non-fiction about wolves, or more specifically wolf-human relations.
I originally read and intended to review this one back in 2019, but I ended up being so demotivated and not caring about the book so much that I just didn't even really bother to. I didn't hate it or anything, it just didn't live up to my expectations based on the movie adaptation, which I'm a huge fan of.
But now, a few years down the line, I'm ready to give reading and reviewing this book another shot. Maybe I'll still feel the same way, but maybe I'll like it better now. Spoilers ahead.
The title of this book has been translated into English by me for the
reading comprehension of this blog's viewers as the book itself isn't
available in English (yet). The original title reads Wilde dieren in Nederland.
A short non-fiction for children about Dutch wildlife, let's check it out!