Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Book Review: The Wolfskin and Other Stories by Ton van Reen


Note: The title of this book has been translated into English by me for the reading comprehension of this blog's viewers. The original title reads Het wolfsvel en andere verhalen.

This is a book I got to pick up for free years ago and up until now just...never ended up reading. Reason I picked it up: it's about wolves, duh. So let's see if it's actually any good. 

In this story we follow various young protagonists in older settings dealing with situations mainly involving werewolves, but sometimes also real wolves. 

So, yeah, this is a short stories collection. I don't usually read those. Did I like them? Well, some I did, but most I didn't. They were honestly just very brief stories, brief to the point that I barely had time to attach myself to these characters before their story was over. 

They also felt rather repetitive, with there each time being some (were)wolf that had to be defeated or driven out. The amount of times someone is turned into a wolf by the devil or a witch got too much for me to count.

Honestly, there's only one story in this I genuinely ended up liking, which was the titular Wolfskin, where a girl voluntarily becomes a wolf and mingles with the pack in order to lure them into a trap, only for her to get attached to them and try to save them. That felt like a likable, unique, well-executed story. The rest was just pretty much the same "sinner gets turned into a werewolf somehow" nonsense. It's fine for one or two stories, but I'd have liked more variation in the situations and setups. 

So yeah, I'm not a big fan of this book, unfortunately. It does have some good qualities, but I guess it just wasn't for me.

Rating: 2/5

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