Saturday, August 15, 2020

Book Review: Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Caroll (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #2)

Through the Looking Glass Cover - 3D InCites

Alice is back for her second adventure. Will it be any better or more logical than the first? Eh, let's see. This is Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.

In this book, Alice ends up with in another fantastical world full of nonsense and interesting characters by going through a mirror. She has to find her way here, which isn't very easy, much like in Wonderland.

Out of the two books, I think I'd pick Wonderland over this. Not that there's a major decline in quality or anything, but at least the lack of consistency and madness of the world was kind of new and inventive there. The Looking-Glass World feels very much the same as in Wonderland (but from what I gathered from they're not the same lands). It makes sense for everything to be literally backwards in the Looking-Glass World due to it being behind a mirror, but we already did this in Wonderland. Caroll had the opportunity to create a totally different realm for Alice to discover, but instead it feels very much like Wonderland Two: Electric Boogaloo. 

The characters are also not as memorable. I remember Tweedledee and Tweedledum more from the Disney adaptations than this book. Same with the Jabberwocky. I guess Humpty Dumpty does show up, which was somewhat memorable, and the Hatter and March Hare return (though under different names), but other than that the cast was rather lackluster. Alice didn't particularly do anything for me in this one, either.

If you liked the first book, you'll probably like this one fine, but it didn't do it for me, so I wouldn't recommend it other than if you liked the first book or want to get your classics down. 

Rating: 2/5 

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