Sunday, November 15, 2020

Book Review: Tigerheart's Shadow by Erin Hunter (Warriors Super Edition #10)


We've tackled Hawkwing's Journey, so let's now have a look at the other A Vision of Shadows tie-in Super Edition, Tigerheart's Shadow! Spoilers ahead, let's go.

Taking place during book four and five of A Vision of Shadows, we follow Tigerheart leaving behind the remnants of ShadowClan and follow Dovewing to a Twolegplace quite a while away. Dovewing is pregnant with his kits and has been having dreams telling her to get to the city. Although reluctant to leave his home behind, Tigerheart eventually follows her, ending up with a group called the "guardian cats". After the birth of his kits, he must face a new decision: will he stay with Dovewing in the city, or will he return to a Clan that no longer exists?

I'm going to be honest here. Out of all the A Vision of Shadows and its tie-ins that I've read, this was by far my least favorite. It does have good elements, don't get me wrong, but for me it was just too long and tedious to be thoroughly enjoyable.

While I really liked Dovewing's and Tigerheart's relationship during Omen of the Stars, I just didn't really feel the same for them over here. I liked Dovewing, but Tigerheart just didn't do it for me in this book. I've had my doubts about his character before, but I've so far been able to like him. But in this book I just don't really find him a very enjoyable character. He keeps trying to bring his Clan-ways to the guardian cats without them really asking. I know he means well and wants to defend them in his familiar way, but it just felt a bit uncalled for.

The book also felt very long. I didn't like the city as a location, I didn't particularly care for the guardian cats as a group, so this felt like a rather long read. It also didn't have as many emotional beats as I'd hoped to keep me engaged. Hawkwing's Journey was an emotional roller coaster from start to end, whereas this book felt mostly dull with some brief exciting moments in it. 

I also don't buy the whole ordeal with Tigerheart suddenly being given his lives after he already died. Never before have we been shown that StarClan could do this, yet they just kind of pull this solution out of their ass in order to give ShadowClan a leader. I also feel like Tigerheart doesn't really deserve the position. He left the Clan to join his ThunderClan mate, instead of sticking by them and keeping what remains of ShadowClan together. 

Overall, this is just a bit of a slog. It has its moments, but none of it was really enjoyable. I appreciate this book for giving me the information about where Tigerheart/star and Dovewing went during book four and five of A Vision of Shadows, but other than that it doesn't have much of value if you ask me.

Rating: 3/5

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