Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Book Review: The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon


I have been recommended this book several times by several people, so when I got it I of course decided to take a look at it! Is it as good as everyone says? Let's see. Minor spoilers ahead.

We follow four main characters in this book, of which Ead is really the one tying everything together. In a world where dragons exist, one ancient and long-ago-defeated dragon is said to rise again one day. In anticipation of that day, many events take place, in the hopes of avoiding the rise of the Nameless One.

This was overall a really good book. It did have some flaws, but I overall really enjoyed what we had.

First of all, this is a fantasy with very strong female characters and LGBT+ themes, which I appreciate immensely. After having read A Song of Ice and Fire, I've had plenty of sexism in my fantasy to last me the rest of my life. Samantha Shannon crafted a strong world with these themes and of course great characters.

Speaking of which, Ead, Sabran and Tane were by far my favorites. I couldn't quite get into some of the other characters, but that wasn't much of a distraction since especially Ead is the one making everything in this book work as a whole. Ead is not quite one of my favorite fantasy protagonists, but definitely a strong contender!

I did have some trouble getting into the world at first, but this soon faded away, and it all paid off with a very strong climax.

Overall, this is a definite recommendation for any fantasy lover. Yes, it's a long book, but absolutely worth it!

Rating: 4/5

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